Domina w Kollywood


Interview with me in Kungumam Magazine (thanks Vimal for translating)
Beautiful Hair and Awesome Style who is no less in Beauty as Tamil Heroines! Attracts everyone like an Angel. Who is She???? - Everyone seems to be wondering! For the last few weeks, she has been part of most of the kollywood events with a amera like a bird. So, we thought we will check her out!

My name is Dominika, I am from Opole City from Poland. Poland has a good history of art and culture. Likewise, I would like to know about other countries art and culture. Till now, I have been to Portugal, Spain, Greece, France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany. I have got opportunity to come to Chennai through Malarchi Women Centre. Here I understood about slum childrens and ladies, I am trying to do whatever help I can do for them.

How you came to India?
I am studying in Opole University; My Dad is working in Corporation and My Mom is working in Jewellery Store. I have one sister who lives in Netherlands. Not only me, people who live all over the world get surprised by ''Unity in Diversity'' which exists in here. Here, I have been to Pondicherry, Goa, Mumbai, Varanasi. I was very much surprised by seeing the love symbol Taj Mahal. 
I am taking part in kollywood events to know more about Tamil Media & Film Industry. I love Tamil films, recently I saw 'Koli Soda' movie, although I didnt understand the language I was impressed by the acting of those small small guys.
In Chennai, I am eating Idly, Dosa, Dhal Rice & Chatpati. Since I am pure vegetarian, I dint try any non veg food available here. Each Day India is giving me some surprises! I consider India has my Second home.
Do you know in Tamil cinema, people will write gossip if beautiful girl take pictures?  
I am not yet such a big celebrity - for anyone to write gossips about me. I am not 22 years old & I love Volleyball, Dance, Swimming and I am trying to achieve in these fields. I have heard that Rajinikanth, Kamal Hasaan are all big stars here and I have seen them only in Photo. I have learnt that Rajini is liked by Japan people also and Kamal as universal hero. I wish i could meet them all in person.
You say that you love to act in Tamil Movies, Do you think that ready (eligible) for it? ready! Foreign Model Amy Jackson also seems to act in movies here? Like that, I also wish to act in movies here but next month I have plans to go to Poland. But If I get good opportunity I am ready to stay here permanently and complete the movie. If it is going to be with Rajni, Kamal then then I am so happy. Also, in the same time I would spend rest of my time in helping poor people!

      W sobotę zostałam zaproszona na Fashion Show Sidney'a Sladen.. We wtorek ukazał się artykuł w The Times of India i również moje zdjęcie.
"Dominika matched her black attire with boots and looked stylish yet chic." 

Jak się zaczęło?
W organizacji dla dzieci i kobiet ze slumsów w której pracowałam (dwa dni temu skończyłam swój projekt) miałam dużo wolnego czasu i tym samym zaczęłam uczęszczać na wydarzenia medialne w Chennai. Ludzie zaczęli się interesować, co młoda blondynka robi w Indiach i tym samym przy ogromnym szczęściu dostałam możliwość pracy w Indiach.

W lutym kręciłam videoclip z Achu Rajamani (początkowo premiera miała być 14 lutego, później 1 marca, teraz podobno 10 marca, ale w Indiach nigdy nic pewnego)

Dostałam propozycję zagrania w filmie krótkometrażowym. Sceny kręcone były w turystycznej miejscowości - Mahabalipuram. Film zostanie wystawiony na Festiwalu Filmów Krótkometrażowych. Premiera pod koniec marca.

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